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3 min read

How DCBank powers financial solutions that help Canadians

CONTENT FROM: GLOBE CONTENT STUDIO PUBLISHED APRIL 24, 2024 Almost half of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque, according to a 2023 report by research firm Leger, meaning the financial squeeze is felt by friends, family, neighbours and... Read More >

3 min read

How Personalized Card Offers Influence the Cost-Conscious Consumer

From interest rates to grocery prices, the ripple effects of a shaky economy and rising costs have left many feeling the pinch of inflation. As wallets tighten, consumers are hunting for ways to stretch their dollars further. Personalized card... Read More >

4 min read

Is Your Business Keeping Up with Gen Z’s Payment Preferences?

Imagine daily life as a 20-something consumer. Smartphone in hand, you’re equipped to buy that new pair of shoes, order groceries, and purchase trending stocks—all with a few simple swipes on your screen. Just decades ago, this would have been... Read More >

5 min read

The Future of B2B Payments: Balancing Automation with Human Expertise

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B commerce, the payments process has emerged as a critical area for innovation and improvement. As companies strive to optimize their operations and enhance customer experiences, the challenge lies in navigating... Read More >